29 May Making a Dream Come True~The Story of Rinn Duin Brewing
We are proud and honored to be able to add another wonderfully unique venue for your next event. Now it’s not for those huge events. It’s more for the close friends and family…the people you really like….small & quaint! Maybe 60 or less of your closest! The place………….RINN DUIN BREWING~1540 Route 37 W, Toms River, NJ. Exit 82A.

Rinn Duin Brewing is owned by Chip, Jacqui & Dana Town (father & daughters). The name Rinn Duin originates from a castle in County Roscommon, Ireland. Built in the early 1200’s by the English Royal Army. It survived countless battles by the hands of
the Irish, including a fire, before the British relinquished the castle in
1576. Their family history, past and present, is found in the midst of
the designs and names of their beer, each with a unique and personal story.
Around August 2011 during their unforeseen time off, the Town’s began to make their dreams a reality. Over the course of 18
months they wrote a business plan, secured an SBA loan, leased a 6,500 sq/ft
facility and began construction on their dream. With 22 years of combined home
brewing experience and the popularity of craft beer on the rise, opening a
microbrewery gradually became a fantasy fulfilled.
Rinn Duin Brewing
made it’s debut in January 2014.
Rinn Duin offers tours, is open for tastings and offers many different events. Check their website for times and events. http://www.rinnduinbrewing.com/index.html
You can also rent the facility and Shore Catering would be happy to cater your event. Rinn Duin 732-569-3261 and Shore Catering 732-920-3040

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